It's really so exciting to wait for the mail everyday and have someone put that special envelope on my desk! It makes me feel special. Thank you so much, friends.
Some come with stories...some with blessings but all, I believe are sent with caring and love. I've set down below the latest.
*Deb Liverpool, NY
~Victorian Button from Grandmother's button box 1875-1955
*Susan Wolcott, NY
~A piece of the cover from the schooner Sarah B
who I have sailed, taken lessons and reenacted upon!
~A piece of the mains'l from an Alden yawl named High Heels.
She sailed the Great Lakes about 60 years. I have never sailed upon her.
She ended her days about 10 years ago in Fair Haven, NY
* Helen Liverpool, NY
~Embroidered flowers
Colleen Liverpool, NY
~pink watered silk
* Anon St. Paul, MN
~Hand dyed batik
"Discharged with love and a bit of magick"
I am loving this project. It's a really nice to feel connected to another soul on a chilly wintry day.
So glad you are getting a wonderful response. We goats (and goat people) are quite wonderful!
Love your blog, and especially the name. As an ex-goat owner it touched my heart, I do miss them. Good luck with the project. I do more knitting than sewing these days but I will have a rumage and see what I can find.
Thanks so much.
It's good to connect with so many like minded people and I'm learning about goats as I go so I'll be ready when the time comes.
And thanks about my project...but a wee hand knitted square would be lovely as you would have made it yourself. The far flung unity of this project is really touching me.
Have a lovely day......I envy your memories of goats.........
Oh Millie.....yes, indeed....goats ARE wonderful! (And goat people, too! I think it's a prerequsite!)
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