Time to post some new pics of CAPRA and the MAGICAL GOAT BLANKET PROJECT treasures!
I still get *so* excited when a package comes in the mail!
I'm especially excited that sail and pirate friends have thought to contribute.
While the Capra Project is indeed, ultimately, about the celebration of life through goats it needn't be necessarily related to goats in any way. The idea is to have a finished blanket that contains the energy of the Universe.
Hoping that the project grows and packages arrive from the Four Quarters.
You really can feel the love as an almost tangible thing when each package is opened.
I humbly thank you for caring.
Linda Kamuela, Hawaii
Fabric from a south seas sail on the sloop "Topaz"
(I like to think Patricia might have used it once in an escapade! ;)
The "Dear Violet" that you see is how Linda, author of Starcrossed, a wonderful historical/pirate novel, knows me.
You can read my stories of Violet and her legend and her adventures in my PIRATE GIRL blog! As you know, I stink at links.)
Fran Liverpool, NY Green
(Who hand delivered her treasure even though it was a long walk to my desk and her hip hurt that day. It meant all that much more.)
Autumn Liverpool, NY
Purple tie dyed fabric
(Autumn promises me she's my biggest fan! I promise Autumn that the fabric is perfect! AUtumn doesn't know how much I appreciate her support.) ;)
*Georgia Auburn, NY
Black fabric, tulle, baubles, ribbon & bat.
(*I have to say that this package came Anon....and if I hadn't been able to guess
from the fabric that is was my lovely friend Georgia I would have been able to guess from the smell of her perfume! Opening the envelope was like Georgia wrapping her arms around me and giving me a great big Georgia hug!) :)
Excellent, and a good reminder that I need to send you mine. But I do have a concern. Really, Georgia should not send a bat in the mail. The USPS frowns on bat mail, and anyway she could have just told the bat your address and it would have flown there. Furthermore, do bats and goats even get along? I think all that bleating gets in the way of the sonolocation impulse. And does a bat really want to be a part of a goat costume? Ask the bat. Did you feed the bat when you unpacked it? Does the bat get a onesie? I'm really quite worried...
So glad to see you keep gathering more and more fabrics for your wonderful project!
Claire is funny.
(And do you know how hard it is to find a bat onesie....?????) xo
I could knit one...
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